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0.7 ton small fire flat trailer ATV full trailer case

name:0.7 ton small fire flat trailer ATV full trailer case

detailed information息

The ATV fire trailer is designed to be unpowered traction type, with a bearing capacity of 0.7 tons. It is equipped with lifting outriggers at four corners, and can be collected at both sides when walking; One set of torsion shaft and two sets of pneumatic tires are equipped for walking. The main structure of the trailer is welded with sheet metal, and the mudguard is designed to be hidden in the vehicle body; The traction part is a collision brake type traction frame, and the continuous traction is a 2-inch spherical European standard traction head; The ATV trailer is used for moving fire-fighting equipment, as well as small hardware, small machinery and equipment, small metal building materials, short haul turnover, low cost, good quality, long service life, etc.